Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Using git in Ubuntu

1. Open Terminal.

2. Make HelloWorld folder in your Desktop.

3. cd HelloWorld

4. Create hello.c file.
#include studio.h


5. Initialise git.
git init

6. Check the git status.
git status

7. Add hello.c to your git.
git add hello.c

8. Commit your file to git.
git commit -m "hello.c created"

9. Check the log.
git log

10. Make some changes to your hello.c.

#include studio.h

printf("Learning to use git.");

11. Commit your file.
git commit -m "printf argument added"

12. Check the difference in different revisions.
git diff

13. To check the difference between latest and the last revision.
git diff HEAD^...HEAD

14. Delete current hello.c file from your HelloWorld folder and retrieve the last commited file.

git checkout hello.c

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