The following list is by no means exhaustive. I'll keep updating the list of useful publications related to education and technology in the context of Nepal.
Shields, Robin(2011) 'ICT or I see tea? Modernity, technology and education in Nepal', Globalisation, Societies and Education', Volume 9 Issue 1, Pages 85-97.
Shields, Robin (2008) Uneven terrain: educational policy and equity in Nepal, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Volume 28, Issue 3,pages 265-276.
Pherali, T. J.(2011) Education and conflict in Nepal: Possibilities for reconstruction, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9(1), 135 – 154.
Hall, P., Ghimire, G., & Newton, M. (2009). Why Don’t People Use Nepali Language Software?. Information Technologies & International Development, 5(1). Retrieved November 30, 2011,
Brinkerhoff, J. (2008). What does a Goat Have to Do with Development? Diasporas, IT, and the Case of Information Technologies & International Development, 4(4). Retrieved November 30, 2011.
Devinder Thapa (2011). The role of ICT Actors and Networks in Development: The case study of a mountain region in Nepal, EJISDC journal special issue. (ISSN: 1681-4835)
Devinder Thapa, Maung K. Sein, and Øystein Sæbø (2011). Building Collective Capabilities through ICT in a Mountain Region of Nepal: Where Social Capital leads to Collective Action,Submitted to Journal of Information Technology for Development, (forthcoming).(ISSN: 1554-0170)
Shrestha, S., Moore, J., Abdelnour-Nocera, J. (2011) Poster: "Open-source Platform: Exploring the Opportunities for Offline Mobile Learning", Mobile HCI 2011, Stockholm
Shrestha, S., Moore, J., Abdelnour-Nocera, J. (2011)"The English Language Teaching and Learning Challenges in Public Schools of Nepal: Teacher's Diary Study", IFIP WG 9.4 Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal (Conference proceedings available here)
Shrestha, S., Moore, J., Abdelnour-Nocera, J. (2011) "Mobile learning and low-cost hardware for ICT4D: what's right and what's copyleft?", Special Issue - IEEE Multidisciplinary Engineering Education Magazine (MEEM)
Frank Rennie, Robin Mason, The Development of Distributed Learning Techniques in Bhutan and Nepal
C. P. S. Chauhan, Aligarh Muslim Higher Education: Current Status and Future Possibilities in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka , University, Aligarh, India
Shields, Robin(2011) 'ICT or I see tea? Modernity, technology and education in Nepal', Globalisation, Societies and Education', Volume 9 Issue 1, Pages 85-97.
Shields, Robin (2008) Uneven terrain: educational policy and equity in Nepal, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Volume 28, Issue 3,pages 265-276.
Pherali, T. J.(2011) Education and conflict in Nepal: Possibilities for reconstruction, Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9(1), 135 – 154.
Hall, P., Ghimire, G., & Newton, M. (2009). Why Don’t People Use Nepali Language Software?. Information Technologies & International Development, 5(1). Retrieved November 30, 2011,
Brinkerhoff, J. (2008). What does a Goat Have to Do with Development? Diasporas, IT, and the Case of Information Technologies & International Development, 4(4). Retrieved November 30, 2011.
Devinder Thapa (2011). The role of ICT Actors and Networks in Development: The case study of a mountain region in Nepal, EJISDC journal special issue. (ISSN: 1681-4835)
Devinder Thapa, Maung K. Sein, and Øystein Sæbø (2011). Building Collective Capabilities through ICT in a Mountain Region of Nepal: Where Social Capital leads to Collective Action,Submitted to Journal of Information Technology for Development, (forthcoming).(ISSN: 1554-0170)
Shrestha, S., Moore, J., Abdelnour-Nocera, J. (2011) Poster: "Open-source Platform: Exploring the Opportunities for Offline Mobile Learning", Mobile HCI 2011, Stockholm
Shrestha, S., Moore, J., Abdelnour-Nocera, J. (2011)"The English Language Teaching and Learning Challenges in Public Schools of Nepal: Teacher's Diary Study", IFIP WG 9.4 Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal (Conference proceedings available here)
Shrestha, S., Moore, J., Abdelnour-Nocera, J. (2011) "Mobile learning and low-cost hardware for ICT4D: what's right and what's copyleft?", Special Issue - IEEE Multidisciplinary Engineering Education Magazine (MEEM)
Frank Rennie, Robin Mason, The Development of Distributed Learning Techniques in Bhutan and Nepal
C. P. S. Chauhan, Aligarh Muslim Higher Education: Current Status and Future Possibilities in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka , University, Aligarh, India